Enterprise Trials
From tutorials to trials
Choosing a Trial Environment
Most teams start with a PoC run by their Platform, DevOps or Observability team in a staging environment. PoC licenses offer full features but are time-bound.
PoC Tools included in Runwhen Platform
There are tools embedded in the RunWhen platform frequently used to assist with PoCs:
Simulate production alerts
Use RunWhen’s built-in SLO/Error Budget alerts if there are no alerts already set up in the environment for the PoC. These trigger autonomous troubleshooting sessions, a preview of the experience when integrated into a full alerting stack in production.
Add troubleshooting steps
During a PoC, your team does not have the time to author full troubleshooting scripts specific to your application. RunWhen's "Generics" library offers a fast path to add troubleshooting steps specific to your application that call REST endpoints, SQL queries, etc. with minimal configuration.
Simulate production incidents
Connect to your chaos engineering stack or use our lightweight fault-injection scripts to see how Digital Assistants respond to incidents in your environment before going to production. This can also be used for operational readiness testing in staging environments as part of a CI/CD pipeline.
A typical PoC architecture
For PoCs prioritizing speed and simplicity, we often use a 'typical' architecture, designed to support various deployment topologies and community tasks.
Deployment Option
“Hybrid Deployment” where RunWhen Local (the in-VPC agent) is running in a Kubernetes cluster and connected to the control planning running on RunWhen-hosted Platform (SaaS). This option represents the most common balance between security requirements and PoC convenience. Other options are outlined in the sections that follow.
Resource Scope
Limited to resources in the Kubernetes cluster where RunWhen Local was deployed. This generally represents a good trade-off between breadth of resources (the entire cluster) and configuration errors while getting started. Other resources to be scanned (e.g. additional Kubernetes clusters, AWS/GCP/Azure non-Kubernetes resources, Datadog accounts, Github accounts, etc.) can be added after the PoC is up and running.
Installation Option
RunWhen Local installed via Helm chart. This option automates the creation of credentials (not uploaded to the RunWhen platform) that are the most error prone part of RunWhen PoCs. Other options are outlined in the sections that follow.
Task Scope
Only Tasks in the RunWhen default Code Collections are considered in scope for the initial PoC. It is quite easy to add these as the PoC progresses (recommended in the Refinement step), but limiting to this set up up front limits the diversity of configurations and credentials required to get up and running.
Get started quickly with the RunWhen PoC/PoV guide
This document provides reference materials for architecture, security reviews, sample discussion guides, and outlined directions for quantitative business case development. Additionally, PoCs include weekly check-ins with the RunWhen engineering team and support via email, Slack, and video conferencing during US Eastern business hours.